
Liuvenn Ace Maquiling

Last Update 4 jaar geleden

All Navigations on the Foody UI Kit is sticky.

Navigation 1 and 2

You can remove the sticky effect from Navigation 1 and 2 but not on Navigation 3.

To remove the sticky effect from Navigation 1 and 2 is to remove a specific class:

- For Navigation 1, remove the class ‘foody-navigation-menu-1-sticky’

- For Navigation 2, remove the class ‘foody-navigation-menu-2-sticky’

Just click the X next to the class name to remove it.

Navigation 3

The Foody Navigation 3 has side menu on the left side that may overlap with the content. To remedy this, we created a class that will be added to each section that will add 85px of padding on the left so that there will be no overlap.

- Please add ‘foody-navigation-3-content-padding’ to the section that belong to the same page as Navigation 3. If you want to customize this, it is located on the ‘Code Block’ module in the Navigation 3 section.

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